
Top Attractions in South Newton

Welcome to our third entry in our series on things to do in Newton County. Thus far we’ve covered what both the Northern and Eastern areas have to offer. Today, we’ll be looking at the top attractions in South Newton, and the fun time they promise. For all of our history buffs out there, South … Read more

Top Attractions in North Newton

Welcome back to the Newton Federal blog.  Today, we’ll be doing a deep dive into things to do in our wonderful county. Though it’s smaller than some of the more popular cities and counties in Georgia, there’s still so much it has to offer. Case in point, let’s look at some of the top attractions … Read more

Top Attractions in East Newton

Newton Federal is back with some top attractions in East Newton. As previously stated, we aren’t just looking for your business. Our goal is to give our clients insight into the many offerings of our wonderful county. While our previous piece focused on the northernmost part of the county, today we’ll be looking east. Are … Read more